NBBC consultations

8 February 2021

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council are currently consulting on their Statement of Community Involvement as well as the Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) on Health Impact Aseesments and Open Spaces and Green Infrastructure.

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out the Council's policy for the involvement of the community and other stakeholders in the preparation and revision of planning policy documents and how they will consult the community on planning applications.

The SCI is split into two main parts, the first addressing planning policy and the second planning applications.

There is also a section addressing the impact of COVID-19 on consultations and how this may affect temporarily the Council’s ability to undertake those steps set out in the SCI.

The SCI is very important as it will determine how people can get involved in the planning sytem for the next 5 years, until it is next revised. Make sure you have your say!

The consultations run till March 5th 2021 and all the documents can be accessed via this link https://www.nuneatonandbedworth.gov.uk/info/21014/planning_policy/146/borough_plan_information

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